Howard Jewellers

buying Latest Romantic

Wearing Ruby Stone on Accessories

The glittering and glistening ruby stone is available in different colours from red to various shades of pink. Its bright and strong colour attracts anyone at a glance. These special colours are due to the presence of chromium in this stone.

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wearing one of our beautiful pieces connects you to the past. Historically, gemstones were used in a variety of ways. According to the author Maria Leach, in early times, gems were used to facilitate conception and induce love and hate.  Now, wearing gemstones is not affiliated with any particular culture or religion. Everyone can benefit from the beautiful gift of history and connection..

Remember to check the quality and originality of the stone before you buy it. It’s important because a duplicate or synthetic ruby stone can offer harmful effects on the wearer.